do not consume cold drink daily it causes serious diseases

do not consume cold drink daily it causes serious diseases

As soon as summer starts, people start feeling thirsty. While some people drink water to quench their thirst, there are some people who like to drink cold drinks. But do you know, drinking cold drinks daily can prove to be very dangerous for health. If you don’t know, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you how consuming cold drinks daily increases the risk of many diseases. Its consumption can cause throat related diseases.

Disadvantages of cold drinks

Cold drink is something that most people like very much. There are some people who drink code drinks 2 to 3 times a day, but doing so can harm their health. Let us know about the damage caused by this. Cold drinks contain a lot of sugar, which causes weight gain and diseases like diabetes. Due to its continuous consumption, the functioning of the kidneys starts weakening. Apart from this, it also damages the bones.

Drinking cold drinks feels good for a short period of time but it is also considered very harmful for the teeth. It does not contain essential nutrients, due to which it also causes nutritional deficiency. Due to carbonation in it, gas and acidity can be formed in the stomach. Apart from this, caffeine and sugar are mostly found in cold drinks, which can cause slight irritability. To avoid this, you can consume things like water, shikanji, curd, lassi instead of cold drinks. If you want to be healthy then stop consuming cold drinks from today itself.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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